Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Why !

How come some mornings you wake up and you are in a good mood and then others you wake up in a bad mood? And then even sometimes I wake uo happy and someone makes me mad with just a look or an unspoken word that I want or any of thise rediculous reasons? I don't know if anyone out there that may happen to read this knows anything about dreams and what happens to our mind and mood while we sleep but I'd love to know why I go to sleep super happy and then wake up miserable! it's just a thought. And as you can probably tell this happened to me today and it was super annoying to me and I had to get it off my chest!

But anywho I' am getting so excited for my little trip! I get to see everyone and have Thanksgiviing with my family yeah! And then I am going to meet another family! So much fun to get to feel family stuff for a while. I miss it sometimes out here. I used to go see this really cute family all the time but now I live too far away to justify driving over an hour. Actually that not true I'd do the drive but I haven't called them in about a year I think it's been so I'm sort of shameful about the whole thing.

I really want to get motivated to start working out! I guess I just have to do it! my friend junior and I are going to do an all day run on Thanksgiving I think were gonna runn from Laie to Waialua. Actually it can't be thanksgiving day I work but the Saturday following. It's a marathon run! almost 26 miles I believe. I'm scarred but he says he runs slow and we'll stop five times. IT'S A DEATH RUN! But I need to do it. Actually I'm gonna go run right now and then I'm gonna swim before I go to work!!!1 I gotta go!!!

1 comment:

Janel said...

I wish I knew why!! It is one of those things that we may never understand!! :D

I am so excited for your trip too. I will get some guest passes and you can come work out with me at the gym when you are here, and we can do circuit training in the backyard too.